Home Raspberries The Oxbo 9140 was designed to harvest the highest quality raspberries and features Oxbo’s push-pull cleaning system to thoroughly remove debris. The 9140 features ample on-board storage for full and empty raspberry flats while the three-wheel design is maneuverable in the field. The 9140 can be containerized for international shipping. The 9140 is […]


Home Blueberries Raspberries The 7440 is the next generation in top-load berry harvesters designed to handle high fruit volume while still delivering high-quality fruit. The flexible Oxbo 7440 can harvest many crops, including blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. The 7440 gives growers the most choice in customization with the Orbirotor, Dynarotor and DynarotorPlus picking systems and […]


Home Blackberries Blueberries Raspberries Oxbo designed the 7450 as a high-capacity, top-load harvester for growers with high tonnages and large bushes. The Oxbo 7450 can harvest many crops, including blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. Compatible with the new Oxbo’s SoftSurface kit, the 7450 is capable of harvesting fresh market blueberries. With the new DynarotorMax picking system, […]